Kamis, 20 April 2017


          The plan must be carefully planned and ready to work and if it fails it must be prepared to accept the risks that exist and should be staggered. My plan for the future is to graduate on time with the best grades and earn a bachelor's degree in economics. After graduation I became a professional accountant and worked in a big company in Indonesia. I will work hard before marriage, I will finance my parents life so that they can enjoy old age without having to work, and bring them to the holy land of Mecca to pilgrimage. I will also finance my two younger brothers until they finish college and get a job. After happy parents and brothers, I will marry with someone I love. After marriage I will stop working and choose to open a business in the culinary field so I can focus on taking care of my husband and children without having to think about the demands of work in the company. That is my future plan, may Allah always bless my way to make my parents proud and happy, Amin..

1 komentar:

  1. Halo mbak diyah, mbak kehilangan stnk kah? Orang tua saya nemuin di sekitar fotokopi esther. Hubungin aku aja nanti yah. Thx
